This was the most successful Homeless Health Fair ever - Which adds a great deal of celebration for Favela Miami's 6th Anniversary, which is today! We had over 120 guest and 2 news crews. One Homeless was relocated back to his family in Tennessee, right in front of the cameras. It was very exiting. Every Homeless was registered and serviced by the City's Homeless Outreach Team, and had the opportunity to interact with PD Homeless Resources Unit (day & night time teams) and our Neighborhood Resources Officers. Several others went to the various shelters present, various consulted with the 2 Mental Health Agencies. Almost all of them had their vitals checked, got blood tests, treated their feet, got haircuts, library cards & studies, legal services, substance abuse assistance, clothes, and all got coffee, snacks (courtesy of Salvation Army) and a hot meal (courtesy of State Rep. candidate, Fabian Basabe). We also had several member of the community that gave the Homeless attention and conversation. It was very rewarding to both parties <3 We had a couple of special treats: the news crew from CGTN America, which is an international news network, that made a piece on the work Favela Miami does; and the BJK University founder & CEO, Bashar, and his international students, for all corners of the world, to see what we do. All this under the roof & wing of our dear Father Tim's house <3 Thank you for your hospitality (always) <3 Special thanks and blessings to all agencies present: #FloridaHealthDepartment #ComprehensiveHealthCenter #CityOfMiamiBeachHomelessOutreachTeam #MiamiBeachPD #MiamiDadeHomelessTrust #DouglasGardensMentalHealth #BerryUniversityMentalHealth #BerryUniversityPodiatric #BerryUniversityPhysiciansAssistants #BerryUniversityNursing #MiamiRescueMission #SalvationArmyShelter #LotusHouseShelter #CamillusHouseShelter #MiamiBeachLibrary #MiamiBeachHealthCenter #Village51 #Starbucks #ThrivingMind #LegalServicesOfGreaterMiami #BJKUniversity #LevyAdversing #FabianBasabe #AllSoulsEpiscopalChurch