Help The Homeless | Favela Miami

This situation won’t get any better until the community comes together to find better solutions: it may take 1 time, 10 times or 200 times for someone in certain conditions to succeed. Regardless, help should NEVER give up on them. We have different types of homeless; they are individuals. Not all of them are just bums and thieves. The majority DON’T want to stay on the streets. They want homes, jobs and their lives back! Most of the homeless are mentally ill, they are not able to make decisions, and they need medication. To some, life hard circumstances brought them to the streets, like loss of their entire family due to accident, or loss of their job and not able to find another one in time, therefore becoming homeless – once you are living on the streets, it only takes 3 weeks for you to lose your sense of rational thinking and self-respect. Some of those have turned to alcohol and drugs "to ease the mental pain", they need to be helped to rehabilitation centers. And yes, there are the ones who are just lazy, however they are actually a minority. Here we want to give the homeless a voice and an opportunity for the community to understand them.

Meet IVO, administration degree, construction company owner, now a homeless

Meet SRG. THOMAS McDONALDS: Honor & respect your veterans, including the ones living on the streets. This homeless has served out country on the Vietnam war and has been helping people up to the date. What a wonderful individual! Recognize him and others like him.

Meet RAY: Like many Americans, Ray was living from pay check to pay check until one day his pay check was not big enough to pay for his basics needs so he end up being homeless.

Meet GINA: She used to be a teacher. She lost her home, was slam-lord (illegally bullied to leave her rental unit), and lost custody of her daughter. Gina suffers from depression and anxiety

Meet MARK: Before telling a homeless “get a job” or “get out of the streets, go to a shelter”, watch this video.


This may be the most educational video on homeless

Meet STELLA: I call her “grandma”, she is over 65, on disability and she has been homeless for a few months. “Grandma” does not want to stay on the streets. She is very unhappy and scared. Not all homeless are bums & thieves.

Meet HENRY McKigney: Originally from a small town in Kentucky, Henry is a landscaper. He came to Florida on the hopes of a better life and instead became a homeless.

Meet JT: College Graduate, Bachelor in Film, Stock Marketer in Brickell; JT committed identity theft in the past and was on parole when he came to Miami. This one move, made him lose it all.

Meet RAFAEL: US Veteran and fought on the Cold War, Rafael has been living on the streets since he was about 2 years old.

Meet MERCEDES: she suffers from extreme anxiety. She asked help to the city homeless outreach and was mistreated.

Meet ANDY: Get to know the Homeless in your Community - This is a successful story on the making! Please pray for Andy's full recover!